Saturday, February 20, 2010

Comprehensive exams and prayers

Three days of agony..Three days of no rest..Three days with my world revolving nowhere but our dreaded Comprehensive Exam...
Honestly, it was the most dispiriting moment in my life. It was as if a bridge drawn for me, I was getting closer to the other side of it until was starting to rupture and there's nothing else to do but run fast towards the end of it. It was really pure mental torture. Our instructors could be ruthless sometimes coz I never imagined them giving such a hard exam...Just one more bit of it and I think I was gonna break down.
But I was never a fast quitter. There was always something somewhere deep inside of me who knew I was gonna overcome this regardless of the difficulty 'coz I know there's always God to help me. Everything is possible through Him and if we just believe it we’ll receive whatever we asked for in prayer.
There are times when we get caught in situations when we think there's no way out and we’re about to lose control. There’s no one else to help us but ourselves, our faith in God and the prayers that boosts us up so we may never feel hopeless.
If you think your prayers aren’t answered, well then, think again. It may be that God has his own plans for you.
When you’ve been praying for something for a long time but haven’t gotten hold for it, it may be that God is trying to tell you something. Here are three possible answers to prayer I’ve learned:

a.) “NO” – it could be that God has something better for you
b.) “WAIT” – God has already planned it for you but in the meantime he wants you to wait for the right moment you’ll obtain it
c.) “YES” – God is giving you what you want

Sunday, February 14, 2010

an old art first digital art

here's an image of my first digital art. i was still in high school by the time i created this. i first used paint then edited it using corel and photoshop.(:
it's funny 'coz the boy is kinda cross-eyed.

new post! new post!

i'm starting to enjoy blogging. can't wait to see my blog full of posts and comments from viewers(if there's someone who's gonna view my blog hehehe)

anyway, to change the topic, i remember searching this site for digital artworks from great graphic artists and even traditional arts from painters. it's really great viewing artworks from other really inspires me. that's why i'm planning to learn digital art in Photoshop this summer after i graduate in college ..just for a start.

by the way, here's one of my's not really that good but i'm still learning so maybe next time i'm gonna do better.(:

the comeback of a newbie

i'm finally back to using Blogger! it's been a long time since i last used my account and now i'm once again trying to dig in with the "blog thing". though i've had this account for almost more than three years there are some instances when i find myself getting confused with the blogging terms. there's still a lot for me to learn.(: for now, i'm gonna enjoy viewing blogs from other people around the world..(: