Sunday, June 20, 2010

art trade in devART

Last week I met a new friend in dA and she's also from the Philippines. She asked me if I would like to draw her Original Character (OC, in short), Maylith in exchange for a subscription in deviantART. I said why not? That was some sort of a challenge for me. The only problem is that I'm not yet used making art using a digital tablet so I decided to make the drawing in the traditional way first then scanned the sketch. Here's the WIP:

and the final result:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Roborovski hamsters!!!

i just love these adorable creatures! :D

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I was browsing deviantArt again and was about to upload this photo when i unexpextedly bumped into another artist's work also entitled "nostalgia".  In her description, i read this:


Ever had the feeling of wanting to relive a special moment in your life? 

But what usually triggers that emotion?"

It just happens that I was thinking about this when I was making this art. What a coincidence. . .

Back in my childhood days, in our old house miles away from the city, me and my family used to watch fireflies at night in our backyard. We'd spend hours chatting while enjoying the lighting bugs lazily hovering around us and the gentle, chilly breeze blowing against our skin. . .
Sadly, we moved near the city where the lights we see at night doesn't come from fireflies anymore and now I'm missing those chats outside the house and the enchanting flickers of light. I'm hoping to see fireflies again and experience that nostalgic feeling again.

Monday, June 7, 2010

my way into August Rush

I can't believe I missed watching this wonderful movie before. I remember seeing someone watching this in an internet cafe and a friend of mine suggesting me this video but I never had a chance to watch August Rush. All I know was that whenever I ask about it I'm always told that it's a very nice movie. I've always wondered what's it all about. Three years had passed after the release of this movie, I totally forgot about it just until now...
I was browsing my blog - this blog, of course, once again after weeks of absence. Read some posts here and there for updates from the blogs I'm following when I ended up viewing graffitigirl's profile. I was then that I saw from the list of her favorite movies August Rush. I was kinda bored that time so I gave it a shot although I never want to watch movies in YouTube coz they're always cut into parts and I hate that coz I'd have to open lots of tabs to load the vids but then why not, right? I've always been curious about this movie and so I gave it a shot.
Good thing I followed my instincts coz it was definitely a great movie! It was a heart-warming, uplifting film that made me appreciate music a lot more. I'm glad I decided to watch it. I don't know what else to say. I've always loved inspiring movies and now it is one of my favorites. :) 

PS: I tried really hard not to cry along the movie but I just can't help it! I was in my relative's internet cafe when I watched this so you could just imagine how it was kind of embarrassing sobbing in front of the computer hahaha! 

confessions and confusions

my mind is blank. I dunno what else to say. I guess I’m still sleepy or maybe I’m just lazy. Today is the first day of June. Sooner or later students will be bustling in schools again. I, on the other hand will be living with my relatives. I still can’t believe I’ve already graduated. No more classrooms, professors and daily allowances for this year…and the following years. I’m worried I might not succeed or that my life would be stagnant and I won’t be able to find a permanent, stable job. sigh. I’m now facing a new chapter in my life and I dunno where to begin. I’m starting to realize that what i took up isn't what I really want. Architecture is nice but i think it's not my thing anymore so now I’m struggling to keep myself interested in it again. What’s wrong with me? Am I going to be a bum just like some of my undergraduate friends?….I’m not trying to hurt anyone it’s just that that’s the way it really is. It’s life. This is life. The only one I can rely on is God. He knows what my purpose is but I still can’t figure it out myself. Someday I will. 

Monday, May 31, 2010

another style

 As you can see from my recent blogs I use different styles on my art and now I'm confused which style I'm going to stick to. 

Her'es another art I did days after election. Started as a doodle until I got so engrossed and ended up with this^^. This is actually a thank you art for all the deviants who fav my artworks, gave me llamas and watched me at deviantArt.

again i'm back

Yes, I'm back. After days of absence and silence of my whereabouts I got a chance to blog again.
This summer is another busy summer for me. From the summer art class I used to do now I've leveled up to making mural paintings...^^
Like I told you I went back to the city during election. That was two weeks ago. My one week stay got longer than expected because days after election(this was Monday)  I got a fever on Friday until Thursday the following week. When I was recovering  my dad told me that the school where he's working in wants to have a mural painting outside the Kindergarten classrooms. This is what I've always wanted - painting! So I grabbed the opportunity and now here I am still in Tacloban City when I was supposed to be back in my uncle's house for my apprentice.
The mural took one week and three days for me and my family...yes, my family because they agreed helping me so I could finish the work so I could go back to Palompon as soon as possible. Almost everyday we would go to the school and paint all day. It was really a great bonding for us. I'm glad I stayed for a while.^_^

Sunday, May 2, 2010

feeling like a child again

I was searching for a flash movie in deviant Art when i saw this game. It's just a simple dress up game but I really enjoyed it! I felt like a li'l girl playing dress up again hahaha. What's gotten me hooked up in this game was the cute chibi character and the yummy colors of the dozen wardrobes you choose from.^^. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

miss my family

i terribly miss my family!!! :( it's been two weeks already since I left home to live with my relatives in our hometown(Palompon) so I could start my apprenticeship with my uncle who's an architect. It takes two years of being an architect's apprentice before I could take my board exam, you know...which means I'll be living most of my two years away from my beloved family..

This is the first time I will be away away from them for a long period of time. 

I'm glad that this May 10 is election day. That means I'll be seeing them again since I'm registered as a voter there(Tacloban City).^^ And if I'm lucky enough to stay long until May 17  I could greet my father a happy birthday personally.

I really miss them...I miss our dog as well our pet birds...(-_-)

File Formats

Like I told you I've been exploring the world wide web for some time now. I'm more of searching artworks and interesting stuffs I find helpful to me. (this is one of the reasons aside from my addiction in making digital artworks that I miss posting in my blog for the past weeks)

As we all know there are a dozen types of formats to choose from when saving a picture. If you're fond of uploading and editing photos i'm sure you're much aware of this.

Anyways, here are some useful infos about file formats I wanna share which I found in a site (my credits to which will come in handy:

Photoshop PSD
This filetype wll not work with many common programs, (it will work with GIMP and - obviously - Photoshop).
The filesize is HUGE. Tip: merge all your layers before exporting
It will preserve all your layers, if you wish to keep them (and work on them in another program).
I suspect the quality is better.
Supports transparency.
This is the 
only file type that will preserve your higher DPI settings (this is a bug in ArtRage).

Best for storage and editing.
TIP:You can export as a PSD and then resave it as a PNG or JPEG.

Portable Network Graphics PNG
Raster format
*approved replacement for GIF
This file size is quite large - smaller than PSD files, but not good for uploading, unless you are creating print files.
Does NOT preserve DPI (300 ptg will become 96 png)
Good quality, especially for lots of colours. Doesn't degrade with repeated saves. Good for exporting and using as a good quality file to create other files with.
Supports transparency.

Joint Photographic Experts Group JPEG
*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jfif
Raster format
Lower colour quality and the image degrades more with further editing. Also severely loses quality with repeated saves.
Again, loses DPI when exported - 300 DPI becomes 120 DPI.
Does not support transparency - any transparent pixels will become white.
Small size, so good for uploading, good for text and crisp, limited colours (usually best for photographs).
Many sites will only accepts JPEGs and GIFs for avatars and banners.

Graphics Interchange Format GIF
Raster format
Limited number of colours (256), lower quality and does not preserve DPI. Very poor at handling detailed images.
Very small, and can be animated (using multiple images and a program such as unFREEz

*.bmp, *.dib., *.rle
Raster format
Approximately ten times larger than an equivalent PNG image.
Does not support transparency
Very basic, and well supported file type, used in most Windows programs.
Preserves all your information (except DPI, again)
Can be compressed significanlty, as most of the data is redundant.

Tagged Image File Format - TIFF
*.tiff, *.tif,
Raster format
Not supported by many programs - has many different subtypes, and most readers can only read certain ones (however, most printers will take this format now)
Not usually websupported.
Again, does not retain original DPI from the PTG file
Very good quality and flexibility.
Does not degrade with further editing.
Not insanely large.
Retains transparency.

art in websites

Today, as usual, I was searching the web for more helpful stuffs to feed my appetite for art. This has become my habit for the past few days since I came to my relatives place. They have an internet cafe and wifi here so I was lucky enough to surf the internet nonstop to my heart's content.^^. 
Since last week I have been checking my deviantArt, watching tutorials in Youtube, searching online drawing tools, practicing my skills in using a digital tablet, and exploring every corners of the net world of everything about art. I even found this site that's giving off awards to the best Flash Designers, Flash Developers, Motion Graphic Artists, Digital Artists who makes creative sites. If you're interested to see some unique and creative sites here's some I strongly recommend:

+ - a cute game with colorful images. Something that will entertain a child and the child in you.^^

PROS: i love the uniqueness of this site! gotta beware of some grossness though...and some wierd but cute-looking creatures^^
CONS: the problem with this site is that you don't understand what it says coz it's in Spanish and I still dunno what it's purpose yet. All I know is that you can draw somewhere in that site.


PROS: if you love digital sketching here's a site you'll surely love. It has a cute web design plus it's online so you can also view the works of other artists. 
The best part is that it shoes a flash video of how an art is created (to better understand what I mean, you better check this site) 
CONS: as far as i know, you can't interact with other artist or even leave a comment. 


+  it's a cool flash advertisement! you'll know what i mean when you visit it.^^

Here's another site I found. This time through deviantArt...

+ -If you're fond of repaint dolls or miniature dolls here's a site of an artist whom you'll surely love.^^  
Another thing I love about this site is that the artist behind these magnificent dolls (I'm proud to say) is a Filipino! :D far those are the sites I remember that's really cool. I'll be posting more when I see another "far from the ordinary site"...for now I'm back to searching ^^)

Monday, April 26, 2010

The following photos I did this month of April...

something i made out of boredom haha! i was just playing around when i finally ended up with this image. :D

"hahaha!" this is what i am thinking with this art....i was so tired drawing loops ( i was practicing since I'm a newbie with the gadget) with the digital tablet that i decided to take a break...i used the mouse of course since i wasn't used with the tablet yet.^^ just wanted to unwind from the monotonous loops i've been making hehe

my inspirations: it started when i was thinking about my Belgian friends and a friend of mine who's in Quebec...i dunno..don't ask me. it's not my fault they just popped inside my head...well...these friends of mine knows French aaanndd...frankly speaking, i used to be a French addict (hehe..yah) everything French would mesmerize me..their culture, architecture and language enthrall me. who wouldn't right?.....anyways, that was way back in high school...i still love french now but i'm not as addicted to it as before :D

another thing that really inspired me to do his art will leave you smiling or laughing(?) whichever it is, believe it or not this is what: (drumrolls) behold Mr. Pringles! (tehehe) i just missed the salty chips that why...isn't it obvious with the hungarian moustache? well maybe not because mr pringles' moustache isn't entirely black but still it reminds me of him.

so that's it! i gotta stop typing now! this is the longest caption i've ever done..tsk...on the second thought, this is not caption anymore! haha as not to leave you all grumbling after wasting your time reading my long, nonsense blabbering i'll leave you with something to do: (hehe am i too demanding?) ...aside from mr.pringles what else comes to your mind when you see the curly hungarian moustache?
After a new blog layout and a new direction for my blog, today I'm going to post some of my new digital artworks. I know I need more practice with this new addiction of mine so I would really appreciate some comments there. :)

here's my first piece...i did last March. A piece I did for a lot of day (haven't noted it though) This is my first digital art using Paint SAI Tool.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

a new beginning

I was planning to make a new blog to start all over again but then I realized that I was somehow attached to this blog already that I decided to stick to it. The following paragraphs were supposed to be posted in that "new blog"

For a long time I've been longing of a place where i can spill out every single thought I've been hiding in the corners of my mind. Some place where i can express my thoughts and insights of everything under the sun. A place where few knows me and judges me and i can say what i want without worrying what others might think. A place I could call a refuge of my own.

Finally this has come to a realization. After several weeks of silence from my latest blog, "fragments of my life" I decided to make another blog. This time it will be for good. I can't say that I'll be blogging every single day but I'll see to it that I'll be keeping this blog up-to-date. 

Blogging is really one of my frustrations. I have created blogs a dozen of times from different known blog sites like Livejournal, Xanga, Blogger and others i have already forgotten. The reason why I love to blog is because as a child I grew up writing in either journals or diaries. Writing my experiences was like leaving a mark in this big world we live in. It is one of my biggest goals - to impart something in this world (something for the better of course). With a bit of wit i intend to pursue this goal.

                       *                                 *                               *

Sunday, March 28, 2010

. . .more photos to post. . .

i'm not in the mood to type long paragraphs today but i still want to post something new today so instead of the usual texts i'll add some photos today...i decided to post some photos of significant moments of our batch that happened last year.

*             *             *

This was taken during our acquaintance party last year. Some of my classmates didn't attend so we weren't complete here. 
the gals.

the class with ma'am Almarines


September 16, 2009 - Our class conducted a seminar with the topic: Green Architecture and our guest speaker was Arch't. Miguel "Mike" Guerrero, a known architect here in the Philippines. It was the most successful seminar ever (as far as we know) and we're really proud of it.

Striking a pose before our seminar
Our class with Architects Fuentabella, Abusman, Guerrero and Almarines.

Last September we had a research that required us to gather information and photos on the famous landmarks in city. It was actually a group research but me and some of my closest classmates decided to visit the landmarks together so we can at least enjoy the stroll...the more the merrier, right? (: Some of the landmarks we visited were Sto. Nino shrine, Sto. Nino Church, City Municipal, and Redona Residence...

A picture together before our stroll.:P
 The City Municipal Hall.


Last October, our dearest mentor and adviser, Ms. Almarines had her wedding day. This is the first time we were invited in a teacher's wedding. We volunteered to help ma'am in decorating their reception area and also acted as ushers and usherettes during the event.

with my classmates.^_^

the result of our decorating.^_^


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

good morning, everyone! rise and shine! Today will be a very busy day for me. This morning till afternoon will be our graduation rehearsal. I was actually hoping that i could have two days of rest before grad but then it's necessary that we attend this one or else our clearance won't be signed. Anyways, there's three more days to go before it's graduation day!!! :D
By the way, later this 7 in the evening we'll be having our farewell party. We're lucky that we still have extra money left from the seminar we held last year so we don't have any problem with the money to spend...we're not yet sure where we'll be having our dinner party though but we can decide on that later.
uh-oh I'm gonna be late for the rehearsal!! gotta go, guys (: Have a great day, everyone!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

. . a day in my life

this happened on May 17...i was supposed to post this on that day but i got busy so i wasn't able to finish this and ended up as a draft instead...after four days i finally had a chance to get online and finish this...(good thing i have my planner to recall what happened on this day) (:

May 17, 2010

6:00am - my sister woke me up. I slept around 2am so you just can imagine how sleepy I am when I woke up this morning.(-_-).... I want to get more sleep but last night I left a note in the living room telling my family to wake me up at 6 so I could continue printing the feasibility study and have it hard-bounded before 9am so I have no other choice but to get off my bed in a very sleepy state.

8:15am - darn it..i'm planning to leave the house at 8:35 but i'm not yet done with the printing. I only have 20 minutes left! huhu what am i to do?

8:55 - Left the house. sigh... i am so delayed.

9:15 - arrived in downtown and met up with my classmates. It costs P410 to have our FS hard-bounded...

10:30 - me and my classmates went to the school registrar to have our evaluate our grades. good thing i don't have any problems regarding my past grades.(:

1:00 - stayed at our college building. we waited there till three for our scheduled tree planting

3:00 - it's tree planting time! graduating students are required to plant trees in the school campus. we had a lot of fun looking for the best spot to plant our seedlings and digging  holes by using sticks which we found along the way. ..we didn't bring any planting tool with us that's after the planting we were a total mess! by that time, my hair was dripping from sweat  and my shoes were covered with mud. it was tiring but we really don't mind...we  really enjoyed the most out of it and for us that was what mattered. (:

4:30 - i went home to change my clothes. it was during this time when i started my draft of this post....

5:30 - i left to attend mass and our prayer meeting. this the first time attended after being absent for three consecutive meetings due to school works which piled up especially during the submission of our major subject requirements as well as our final exams.

9:00 - watched TV with my family.(:

11:00 - read a novel my aunt gave me last Sunday till i fell asleep.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have nothing exciting to blog today so I just run through my photos to see if something might be of interest...hmm...let's see....
 here's a photo taken during our trip in Coconut Palace at Manila. The sunset was breathtaking that we couldn't resist taking a photo of it with us.(:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

a sudden shake

Some may not notice it but everywhere around the world lot of calamities are happening. One of them are earthquakes which we frequently hear in the news nowadays. 
Earlier this afternoon, while I was busy surfing the net, a sudden shake put me to a halt. Before I knew, I stood up and looked around to see what was happening.
The earthquake wasn't really strong but it got me stunned. For a while, all I did was to get physically aware and think of all the possible things that could happen. Some who would have seen me may think I was overreacting but I was just worried of all the possibilities. They may think that it was just a small matter but we aren't certain of probable risk it could bring us. Only God knows what would happen next.
Anyways, to make the story short, I got worried for a while then after that I continued with what I was doing...
And, oh, by the way, a few minutes after that, I received a phone message from my classmate asking if I was aware about the earthquake. I later realized that he too was shocked with the earthquake and that he immediately unplugged their TV to prepare just in case he's gonna carry it outside hahaha!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Next week is most likely to be our last week of school. Gosh...time really travels fast. It was like yesterday when I first entered our classroom and suddenly with just like a blink of an eye, I'm about to graduate! 
Now all I can do is reminisce the moments the things I will surely miss .. First, I'll miss our college building despite its low maintenance (c",)....i'll miss the cafeteria where we use to hang out whenever we have a free time...i'll miss the strict guards who we usually hide from because of not wearing the prescribed uniform(hehe naughty us)...i'll miss the sleepless nights working over our plates and projects (that's usually due the day after)...i'll miss our school paper where I used to submit some artworks...i'll miss my schoolmates who were also my friends especially the interior design students  ....I'll miss our professors - who were our mentors as well as our friends...lastly and most especially my classmates who I never thought would be with me for more than five years and became my instant mentors,counselors, accomplices, cheerers, companions, my Friends...i'll definitely miss them and the friendship we've had. I'll never bonding moments of our class as well as the low moments that  helped make our bond stronger. I hope our friendship won't lose as we part ways...

our first pic together

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

headache NO MORE!

my headache is gone! i woke up this morning feeling slightly light 'coz finally my headache is gone. thanks to my mom who looked after me last night.(: i  probably had that headache for the past two days because aside from facing the computer for more than two weeks, i also don't have enough sleep and i don't eat at the right time (looks like i was too engrossed with all the work)...well...for now, i guess this post is enough for today. i still have to study for my exam later on physical planning so wish me luck!


hurray! i already have Paint Tool SAI installed in our PC..finally i can make more graphic arts all i want...(:
this is crazy...i can't wait any longer and I'm itching to lay my hands on 'em hehehe..sigh..i just have to wait until i finish all my school works then I'll have all the time i want to make another art piece.yipee!!! ..tata for now!

My headache's killing me!!

oh dear, I'm having headaches since yesterday. it must have been because I've been spending most of my time facing the computer for almost two weeks. it's been a very busy month for  me and my classmates  since we are all working on our feasibility studies which will be due this Friday..(wish me luck!)...anyways, this headache is killing me! it's as if my head is gonna start to beak...oh, Lord, please help me...i'm really very tired and too stressed to go on..only You could save me...anyone who reads this, please pray for me.(:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Comprehensive exams and prayers

Three days of agony..Three days of no rest..Three days with my world revolving nowhere but our dreaded Comprehensive Exam...
Honestly, it was the most dispiriting moment in my life. It was as if a bridge drawn for me, I was getting closer to the other side of it until was starting to rupture and there's nothing else to do but run fast towards the end of it. It was really pure mental torture. Our instructors could be ruthless sometimes coz I never imagined them giving such a hard exam...Just one more bit of it and I think I was gonna break down.
But I was never a fast quitter. There was always something somewhere deep inside of me who knew I was gonna overcome this regardless of the difficulty 'coz I know there's always God to help me. Everything is possible through Him and if we just believe it we’ll receive whatever we asked for in prayer.
There are times when we get caught in situations when we think there's no way out and we’re about to lose control. There’s no one else to help us but ourselves, our faith in God and the prayers that boosts us up so we may never feel hopeless.
If you think your prayers aren’t answered, well then, think again. It may be that God has his own plans for you.
When you’ve been praying for something for a long time but haven’t gotten hold for it, it may be that God is trying to tell you something. Here are three possible answers to prayer I’ve learned:

a.) “NO” – it could be that God has something better for you
b.) “WAIT” – God has already planned it for you but in the meantime he wants you to wait for the right moment you’ll obtain it
c.) “YES” – God is giving you what you want

Sunday, February 14, 2010

an old art first digital art

here's an image of my first digital art. i was still in high school by the time i created this. i first used paint then edited it using corel and photoshop.(:
it's funny 'coz the boy is kinda cross-eyed.

new post! new post!

i'm starting to enjoy blogging. can't wait to see my blog full of posts and comments from viewers(if there's someone who's gonna view my blog hehehe)

anyway, to change the topic, i remember searching this site for digital artworks from great graphic artists and even traditional arts from painters. it's really great viewing artworks from other really inspires me. that's why i'm planning to learn digital art in Photoshop this summer after i graduate in college ..just for a start.

by the way, here's one of my's not really that good but i'm still learning so maybe next time i'm gonna do better.(:

the comeback of a newbie

i'm finally back to using Blogger! it's been a long time since i last used my account and now i'm once again trying to dig in with the "blog thing". though i've had this account for almost more than three years there are some instances when i find myself getting confused with the blogging terms. there's still a lot for me to learn.(: for now, i'm gonna enjoy viewing blogs from other people around the world..(: