Sunday, June 20, 2010

art trade in devART

Last week I met a new friend in dA and she's also from the Philippines. She asked me if I would like to draw her Original Character (OC, in short), Maylith in exchange for a subscription in deviantART. I said why not? That was some sort of a challenge for me. The only problem is that I'm not yet used making art using a digital tablet so I decided to make the drawing in the traditional way first then scanned the sketch. Here's the WIP:

and the final result:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Roborovski hamsters!!!

i just love these adorable creatures! :D

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I was browsing deviantArt again and was about to upload this photo when i unexpextedly bumped into another artist's work also entitled "nostalgia".  In her description, i read this:


Ever had the feeling of wanting to relive a special moment in your life? 

But what usually triggers that emotion?"

It just happens that I was thinking about this when I was making this art. What a coincidence. . .

Back in my childhood days, in our old house miles away from the city, me and my family used to watch fireflies at night in our backyard. We'd spend hours chatting while enjoying the lighting bugs lazily hovering around us and the gentle, chilly breeze blowing against our skin. . .
Sadly, we moved near the city where the lights we see at night doesn't come from fireflies anymore and now I'm missing those chats outside the house and the enchanting flickers of light. I'm hoping to see fireflies again and experience that nostalgic feeling again.

Monday, June 7, 2010

my way into August Rush

I can't believe I missed watching this wonderful movie before. I remember seeing someone watching this in an internet cafe and a friend of mine suggesting me this video but I never had a chance to watch August Rush. All I know was that whenever I ask about it I'm always told that it's a very nice movie. I've always wondered what's it all about. Three years had passed after the release of this movie, I totally forgot about it just until now...
I was browsing my blog - this blog, of course, once again after weeks of absence. Read some posts here and there for updates from the blogs I'm following when I ended up viewing graffitigirl's profile. I was then that I saw from the list of her favorite movies August Rush. I was kinda bored that time so I gave it a shot although I never want to watch movies in YouTube coz they're always cut into parts and I hate that coz I'd have to open lots of tabs to load the vids but then why not, right? I've always been curious about this movie and so I gave it a shot.
Good thing I followed my instincts coz it was definitely a great movie! It was a heart-warming, uplifting film that made me appreciate music a lot more. I'm glad I decided to watch it. I don't know what else to say. I've always loved inspiring movies and now it is one of my favorites. :) 

PS: I tried really hard not to cry along the movie but I just can't help it! I was in my relative's internet cafe when I watched this so you could just imagine how it was kind of embarrassing sobbing in front of the computer hahaha! 

confessions and confusions

my mind is blank. I dunno what else to say. I guess I’m still sleepy or maybe I’m just lazy. Today is the first day of June. Sooner or later students will be bustling in schools again. I, on the other hand will be living with my relatives. I still can’t believe I’ve already graduated. No more classrooms, professors and daily allowances for this year…and the following years. I’m worried I might not succeed or that my life would be stagnant and I won’t be able to find a permanent, stable job. sigh. I’m now facing a new chapter in my life and I dunno where to begin. I’m starting to realize that what i took up isn't what I really want. Architecture is nice but i think it's not my thing anymore so now I’m struggling to keep myself interested in it again. What’s wrong with me? Am I going to be a bum just like some of my undergraduate friends?….I’m not trying to hurt anyone it’s just that that’s the way it really is. It’s life. This is life. The only one I can rely on is God. He knows what my purpose is but I still can’t figure it out myself. Someday I will.